Dehradun, 5 June . Social Development for Communities Foundation (SDCF) collected and recycled 2,343 kilograms of single-use plastic waste from the participating schools. The campaign was launched under the Plastic Mukt Abhiyan .The Abhiyan was an innovative citizen engagement exercise as an integral part of the Swachh Survekshan 2022 mission in Dehradun.

Announcing this Anup NautiyaI, founder of SDCF said that his NGO has recently got the opportunity to partner with Dehradun Nagar Nigam for Plastic Mukt Abhiyan. The Abhiyan, a three-pronged plastic waste *awareness, segregation, and behavior change* program was a citizen-led initiative of the Dehradun Nagar Nigam. It nudged and encouraged students and their families to start the practice of waste segregation at a household level.
Mr. Nautiyal said that the Plastic Mukt Abhiyan involved 105 schools in Dehradun and reached out to 48,224 students, teachers/staff and their families over a two-month period. The major focus was on the collection of single use plastic and on spreading citizen-centric information re sustainable waste management practices. The segregated and collected plastic was recycled through a chain of Nagar Nigam-approved recyclers.
Expressing gratefulness for the support of all participating schools in the Plastic Mukt Abhiyan he added that as a part of the Abhiyan, each school had set up Plastic Banks on their campus where the segregated plastic waste brought by the students was collected. We are equally grateful that all schools appointed Plastic Sangrakshaks (School Principal), Plastic Yodhas (Senior Teacher/Staff), and Plastic Prahris (Plastic Class Monitors) in their school premises. We are glad to share that we ended up building a community of 104 Plastic Sangrakshaks, 114 Plastic Yodhas, and 1429 Plastic Prahris.
Nautiyal said that we collected and recycled 2,343 kilograms of single use plastic waste from the participating schools. We are equally delighted that many schools took their own initiatives and conducted additional swachhata activities like street rallies, debates, and clean-ups in their campuses. Their active participation made the Plastic Mukt Abhiyan a jan andolan, a student-led movement for cleanliness and swachhata in Dehradun.