


Lt Gen VK Mishra, PVSM, AVSM, Commandant, Indian Military Academy reviewed the Parade and complimented all the Officer Cadets


DEHRADUN, 07 DECEMBER. The historic Chetwode Drill Square played host to the Commandant’s Parade for
Autumn Term 2023 on 07 Dec. The Commandant’s Parade marked the night culmination of pre-commission training of 343 Indian and 29 Officer Cadets from 12 friendly foreign countries.

Lt Gen VK Mishra, PVSM, AVSM, Commandant, Indian Military Academy reviewed the Parade and complimented all the Officer Cadets for their immaculate turnout and excellent drill movements, which reflected a high level of motivation, pride and cohesion achieved through their stellar training at IMA. He also commended the efforts of all in facing prevailing challenges while successfully progressing the training without any dilution.


During his address to the passing out course, the Commandant asserted, “Once commissioned, you will have the rare fortune of leading one of the finest soldiers the world has seen, They will dutifully obey all your commands and Orders, but to earn their respect and admiration, you will have to establish yourself as leaders. Always remember that leadership is not about power or authority; it is about service and responsibility. Your actions and decisions will directly impact the lives of those under your command. Show empathy, inspire trust and foster a sense of camaraderie among your subordinates. Remember that leadership is not confined to the battlefield alone; It extends to the welfare of your troops, their families, and the communities you serve. Strive to be compassionate leaders, creating an environment where your team members can grow, thrive, and reach their full potential”.



The Commandant then emphasized, that, “As you embark upon this noble journey of the profession of arms, embrace the pursuit of knowledge and lifelong learning. The world is constantly evolving, and you have to stay ahead of the curve, adapting to new technologies, strategies, and tactics. Seek opportunities to refine your skills, broaden your perspectives, and enhance your understanding of the complex challenges that lie ahead, to grow into visionary military leaders that the nation demands of you.”.


He further added, “As you leave the portals of the Academy, be confident that you have received the best of the training necessary to take your rightful places in the services. Let the Chetwode motto guide your actions forever, let the academy motto put you on a path of learning and let the code of warrior be your dharma. So long you remember them, you will not go wrong. So go forth from here and be worthy of your country and the army that you are
going to join”.

The Commandant presented the following awards:-

 Brigade of the Guards Medal for the Officer Cadet standing Best in Service
Subjects of the POC were presented to BCA Akash Kaswan.
 Rajput Regt Silver Medal for the Officer Cadet standing best in Academics of the
POC was presented to SUO Aditya Pratap Arya.
 Jat Regt Silver Medal for the Officer Cadet standing best in OQ of the POC was
presented to BCA Nikhil Chib.
 Motivation Trophy for the Officer Cadet standing best in Service Subjects of the
POC was presented to AUO Mohit Beniwal.
 Bangladesh Trophy for the Officer Cadet standing best all-round FOC of the POC
was presented to JUO Sailesh Bhatta (Nepal).
 Chief of Army Staff Banner was awarded to Naushera Company for standing
Overall Second in the Inter Coy Championship.

 Comdt’s Banner was awarded to the Cariappa Battalion for standing Overall First
Inter Bn Championship.


The General Officer also extended the compliments to the 29 Officer Cadets from the friendly foreign countries for having endured the rigorous regimen of training, exhibiting excellent transformation and being fully equipped to don the ranks in their respective armies, as most proficient officers. He addressed them specifically while stating that they will return home with happy memories of their stay at IMA and our country. The training that they have received will benefit them in selfless service of their country. The bonds of friendship forged here with fellow Cadets and faculty will further strengthen the bonds of friendship between our nations.


In the end, he encouraged the Officer Cadets to put their best foot forward for the final Passing out Parade and wished all the Officer Cadets the very best in the years ahead. The Commandant also congratulated the Parents and dear ones of the Passing Out Course for the achievements of their wards.

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