
Want Banana Juice, A Best Health Drink

केले के रस के कुछ सबसे महत्वपूर्ण लाभों में ऊर्जा के स्तर को बढ़ाना, तनाव और चिंता में शांत प्रभाव, प्रतिरक्षा में वृद्धि, शरीर से विषहरण, हड्डियों को मजबूत करना, नींद की गुणवत्ता में सुधार, रक्तचाप को कम करना, पाचन में सहायता करना और पुनर्प्राप्ति प्रक्रिया को तेज करना शामिल है।
-By- Usha Rawat
Juices of all hues and variety are available all over the world; but Banana juice? Only in India, to be marketed soon. Technology from unexpected quarters i.e. the Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and has nothing to do with radiation or irradiation processes. Developed on lab-scale, the technology is being upgraded for commercial exploitation.

You should consume bananas in the morning time with other breakfast items and avoid eating bananas on an empty stomach at all times. There is no scientific evidence that concludes that it is harmful to eat bananas at the night time.

Process : first the Banana is made into pulp, some enzymes are added and the pulp kept for about 2 days at certain fixed temperature and environment. Using a centrifuge the liquid part is liberated from the pulp with the help of the enzyme. The liquid is then bottled as Banana juice. No need to add sugar, in fact, would need to be diluted a bit, before serving. It has a storage life of a month and efforts are on to extend its shelf life.

Some of the most important benefits of banana juice include raising energy levels, calming effect in stress and anxiety, increasing immunity, detoxifying the body, strengthening bones, improving sleep quality, lowering blood pressure, supporting digestion and speeding up the recovery process.

Above all, as value addition, the solid part can be a substitute for Maida and used for making biscuits and confectionery items.

While there’s no blanket rule, sticking to one to two bananas per day shouldn’t cause issues for most people. With that said, remember that they are relatively high in carbohydrates, so eating them along with protein or fat is also advisable to support stable energy levels.
The BARC has applied for an Indian patent, for the technology at present. Banana being a highly perishable commodity, the technology can help in reducing wastage and storage requirements. This is BARC’s one of spin-off technologies, developed while evolving a hybrid Banana variety, under its programme “Atom for Agriculture”.
A few variants are the ‘perfect’ bananas for many. This sweeter, softer yellow banana is easier to digest as the resistant starch changes into simple sugar. They contain more antioxidants when compared to the green ones, as bananas have a higher level of antioxidants as they ripen.

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